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  • LR WERX bright idea earns golden ticket

    Just like the kids from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”, LR WERX scored a golden ticket for their pitch at the 2021 Strike Tank Innovation Rodeo here, but unlike Veruca Salt, their bright idea was deemed a “good egg.”

  • Potential pay and personnel process changes planned

    The Air Force plans to allow Airmen to have greater control over some personnel and pay processes planned for the next few years; but they will have to complete a few steps to get there first, according to officials at Air Force Reserve Command.The Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay System will

  • Long Ranger Roundup: May in Photos

    Reserve Citizen Airmen of the 307th Bomb Wing had a busy May. They participated in a bomber task force alongside members of the 2nd Bomb Wing, showed off innovative strategies and pushed hard on recruitment efforts at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas.

  • Giving back: 307th Civil Engineer Squadron furthers Camp Kamassa

    Reserve Citizen Airmen assigned to the 307th Civil Engineer Squadron gained essential hands-on experience and aided the local community here by helping to construct Camp Kamassa, a strategically designed, 326-acre camp for children and adults with special needs.

  • Long Ranger Roundup: April in photos

    Reserve Citizen Airmen trained hard during the month of April. The 307th Civil Engineer Squadron held a four-day unit training assembly, taking part in a bivouac and advanced tactics. The 307th Medical Squadron performed its first-ever Ready EAGLE exercise working closely with the 2nd Medical Group

  • Team Barksdale medical units test readiness

    The 307th Medical Squadron teamed up with their active-duty counterparts in the 2nd Medical Group to complete Ready EAGLE, or readiness exercise and assessments in a goal-oriented learning environment here April 19-23.Ready Eagle is an initiative of the Air Force Medical Service designed to enhance