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  • Navigating the retirement application process

    Retiring from the Air Force Reserve is a significant, emotional event, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. Because Airmen only retire once in their lifetime, they have no past experience to serve as a resource, and typically learn what is required as they go through the process. There are

  • A1 Support Team to be Available on Primary UTA Weekends

    Beginning in October, the A1 directorate will have a team available to provide support to the field on all primary unit training assembly weekends. This effort is just one of many transformation initiatives AFRC A1 is implementing to reform the human capital enterprise and further enable ready,

  • Developmental education opportunities for Reserve Citizen Airmen

    Air Force Reserve Citizen Airmen are selected every year to attend Developmental Education courses boarded through the Reserve School Selection Board (RSSB A&B), Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board (RDEDB), and Enlisted Developmental Education Board (EDEB). The boards are held

  • Share Your Adventure: help the Reserve team grow through testimony

    The peer referral program is the lead source generator for AFRC RS with one of four people referred by current Reservists joining the Air Force Reserve and is replacing the command’s Get1Now campaign. As manning levels continue to increase for AFRC and other branches of service and the nation’s

  • Navigating the retirement application process

    Retiring from the Air Force Reserve is a significant, emotional event, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. Because Airmen only retire once in their lifetime, they have no past experience to serve as a resource, and typically learn what is required as they go through the process. There are