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  • Q&A with the 307th Bomb Wing Chaplain

    Though Capt. Robert Catts, 307th Bomb Wing chaplain, and his military family were never in one place for long during his early life, he found a lifelong home in his faith. Catts enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 2004 and later joined the Air Force Reserve Command. After 11 years in the reserves, he

  • 307th Bomb Wing announce June enlisted promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Reserve Citizen Airmen are promoted to the rank indicated, effective June 1, 2022. Master Sgt. Alexander SmithMaster Sgt. Jordan MahanneyMaster Sgt. Heath KnefelyMaster Sgt. Timothy FerraroTech. Sgt. Cheyenne PrinceTech. Sgt. Jonathon

  • Q&A with the new 307th Bomb Wing commander

    When Col. David Anderson took command of the 307th Bomb Wing here May 14th, it marked the latest chapter in a career that started in 1992, turning wrenches on F-16 Fighting Falcons in the Colorado Air National Guard. Since then, he’s had stints on active duty and the Air Force Reserve, chalking up

  • 307th Bomb Wing announces May enlisted promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following enlisted personnel are promoted to the rank indicated below, effective May 1, 2022.Chief Master Sgt. Lynn LefebvreMaster Sgt. Nathan SaltzgaberMaster Sgt. Jared HartyMaster Sgt. Zachary GuidryTech. Sgt. Devaun WinslowTech. Sgt. Maritza

  • Long Ranger Roundup: April in photos

    April found Reserve Citizen Airmen across the wing readying for global missions and gaining recognition for their efforts. As always, the units Formal Training Unit mission rolled on, graduating it's latest class of B-52 Stratofortress aviators.

  • 307th Bomb Wing announces enlisted promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following members have been promoted to the rank indicated, effective April 1, 2022. Senior Master Sgt. Jonathan BullockSenior Master Sgt. Nicholas CantuMaster Sgt. Rory RiggsMaster Sgt. James HunterTech. Sgt. Cara ShawTech. Sgt. Beniberto DeLeonTech.

  • 93rd Bomb Squadron gains new commander

    A large group of Reserve Citizen Airmen, active-duty Airmen and civilian personnel gathered to watch Lt. Col. Aaron Bohl take command of the 93rd Bomb Squadron during a ceremony here, April 10.

  • Air Force Reserve Council gets to work at AFA symposium

    The Air Force Reserve Council hosted its first in-person meeting in two years during the Air Force Association Warfighting Symposium here March 2.The council, made up of Reserve Citizen Airmen representing all statuses and ranks, is charged with identifying quality-of-life issues that affect