May 17, 2021 COVID-19 Installation Policy Guidance – Change 14 Public safety remains of the utmost importance at Barksdale Air Force Base (BAFB). This memorandum supplements reference (a), which renewed BAFB’s Public Health Emergency (PHE) declaration until 5 July 2021 or until I determine public health data indicates the risk for sustained community
Oct. 12, 2020 Recycle responsibly As of Oct. 9, 2020, the Base Recycling Center will update their policy on what is accepted in the on base receptacles.
Sept. 25, 2020 Exercise tests Barksdale’s readiness Barksdale executed an exercise to test the readiness of all sides of the 2nd Bomb Wing, Sept. 21 to 25, 2020.
March 15, 2019 Phase inspections keep the B-52 flying Just like a car, the B-52 Stratofortress needs its oil changed, tires rotated and its engine looked at to keep it running and prevent future damage.