BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. -- As of Oct. 9, 2020, the Base Recycling Center will update their policy on what is accepted in the on base receptacles.
The only recyclables allowed in the dark brown containers will be: corrugated cardboard, white paper, phone books, magazines, wrapping paper, brown bags and mixed paper products.
“The base started recycling in 1993 and over the years we have recycled thousands of tons of materials that otherwise may have ended up in a landfill,” said Alfredo Garza III, 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron recycling manager. “The goal of the program is to recycle more than we send to the landfill as trash.”
All other items currently collected such as plastic bottles, plastic jugs, plastic bags, shredded paper and glass bottles will need to go into the light brown refuse dumpsters or can be taken off-base for recycling.
“As a federal facility, we are required by an Executive Order to recycle as a minimum corrugated cardboard, white paper and mixed paper,” Garza said. “The base has 65 dark brown recycling containers throughout the base.”
Two separate containers will be placed at the recycling center for the collection of aluminum cans only. Any other recyclables are not to be mixed in those containers.
The Base Recycling Center located south of the commissary will continue to stay open 24/7 to accept approved materials only.
Any unapproved materials deposited in or around the containers is considered illegal dumping. Surveillance cameras are used and violators are reported. If you have any questions, please call 318-456-5293.