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  • A legacy of hard work and selfless service

    It was sports day at a high school in Jamaica when a helicopter landed on the soccer field. Rotators still spinning, schoolmates ran towards the action.As a clean-shaven man with a towering presence shut down the engine and jumped out of the aircraft to stop the children from getting too close to

  • 7th Bomb Wing, 307th Bomb Wing team up for award wins

    Citizen Airmen of the 307th Bomb Wing and their active-duty counterparts in the 7th BW swept 8 of 18 Air Force Global Strike Command maintenance awards here this month, including four Lt. Gen. Leo Marquez Award winners from the 489th Maintenance Squadron.

  • Airman finds purpose in tragic events of 9/11

    Young Dylan Lecce stared out the window of a Manhattan classroom and watched his city burn.  A native of the Bowery in New York, Lecce, stared in wide-eyed wonder as his 8-year-old mind tried to process the terrorist attacks of 9/11 that unfolded before him. The confusion of that event, ironically,

  • Bad to the Bone: drug interdiction from 30,000 feet

    Total Force Integrated Airmen from the 489th Bomb Group and 7th Bomb Wing used the B-1 Lancer to track illicit drug traffickers, or “smugglers,” from South America to the U.S. out of Boca Chica Naval Air Station, Key West, Fla. March 20 - 24.The B-1 or “Bone” assisted the Joint Interagency Task

  • Air Force continues to pursue total force integration

    The Air Force continues to make strides toward total force integration, according to an annual report submitted to Congress March 4. The report is based on recommendations from the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force and focuses on how the force structure should be modified to best