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  • January Enlisted Promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the rank indicated, effective January 1, 2025Chief Master Sgt. Joseph DensmoreSenior Master Sgt. Daniel RideoutMaster Sgt. Richard StonecipherMaster Sgt. Cara ShawTech Sgt. Jakob WilliamsTech Sgt. Daniel StoweTech Sgt.

  • December Enlisted Promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the rank indicated, effective December 1, 2024Senior Master Sgt.  Elisha WoodSenior Master Sgt. Steven SpiveySenior Master Sgt. Osvaldo Medina-CollazoMaster Sgt. Edward AtkinsTech. Sgt. Jonathan TorresTech. Sgt. Enedina

  • November Enlisted Promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the rank indicated, effective November 1, 2024CMSgt. Kelvin Harrison CMSgt. Terri WrenMSgt. Charles Lawrence MSgt. Randall NealMSgt. Ryan TackettTSgt. Ashley DaiteTSgt. Dustin Townsend TSgt. Kristin MorganTSgt. Marvin

  • October Enlisted Promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce that the following Airmen have been promoted to the rank indicated, effective Oct. 1, 2024. Master Sgt. Abraham HobsonMaster Sgt. Sean AlexanderTech. Sgt. Darren DennisTech. Sgt. Berenice DelgadoTech. Sgt. Hunter BoeckelTech. Sgt. Austin ClaytonStaff Sgt.

  • September Enlisted Promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the rank indicated, effective September 1, 2024.MSgt. Dietrich JacksonMSgt Justin MillsMSgt Torry HollandTSgt Dillon WallinTSgt Kirk EgglestonSSgt Dexter RigginsSSgt Richard VaughnSSgt Anh NguyenSrA Sang YounSrA Pablo

  • August Enlisted Promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the rank indicated, effective August 1, 2024.MSgt. Erica PentesTSgt. Hannah KraneTSgt. Joshua GermenisTSgt. Jandrea DavisSSgt. Torrance WebbSSgt. Madison StephensonSrA. Karrington StewartSrA Mari Londono NavareeteSrA

  • May Enlisted Promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the rank indicated, effective May 1, 2024. Chief Master Sgt. Troderick TrotterSenior MSgt. Erin ChitwoodMaster Sgt. Neil RichardsonMaster Sgt. Nicole WoodyMaster Sgt. Zachariah SmithMaster Sgt. Maritza PhillipsMaster

  • 307th Bomb Wing announces February enlisted promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the designated rank, effective Feb. 1, 2024.Master Sgt. Starlight WilkersonMaster Sgt. Joshua ReeseMaster Sgt. Clark DeWhittTech Sgt. Erin WilliamsonTech Sgt. Kristoffer WalpoolTech Sgt. Thomas SumrallTech Sgt. Joshua

  • 307th Bomb Wing announces January enlisted promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the designated rank, effective Jan. 1, 2024.Senior Master Sgt. Jonathan SadlerMaster Sgt. Kimberly Ford Master Sgt. Kristian May Master Sgt. Lem Coleman  Master Sgt. Michael Beck Tech. Sgt.  Christopher Adams Tech. Sgt. 

  • 307th Bomb Wing announces December enlisted promotions

    The 307th Bomb Wing is pleased to announce the following Airmen are promoted to the designated rank, effective Dec. 1, 2023. Chief Master Sgt. Landon HollowayChief Master Sgt. Shawn ThomasonMaster Sgt. Matthew SmithMaster Sgt. Daniel PhillipsMaster Sgt. Daniel OaksMaster Sgt. Tanisha McKenzieTech.