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  • Navigating the retirement application process

    Retiring from the Air Force Reserve is a significant, emotional event, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. Because Airmen only retire once in their lifetime, they have no past experience to serve as a resource, and typically learn what is required as they go through the process. There are

  • Developmental education opportunities for Reserve Citizen Airmen

    Air Force Reserve Citizen Airmen are selected every year to attend Developmental Education courses boarded through the Reserve School Selection Board (RSSB A&B), Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board (RDEDB), and Enlisted Developmental Education Board (EDEB). The boards are held

  • Navigating the retirement application process

    Retiring from the Air Force Reserve is a significant, emotional event, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. Because Airmen only retire once in their lifetime, they have no past experience to serve as a resource, and typically learn what is required as they go through the process. There are