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  • April is Sexual Assault Awareness, Prevention Month

    An American is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. DLA's SAPR program manager attributes lower rates throughout the agency to prevention efforts.

  • Not in my Air Force

    There is no doubt, question, uncertainty or room for sexual assault in the Air Force, only zero tolerance.Barksdale Air Force Base and the 2nd Bomb Wing Sexual Assault Prevention and Response team are committed to taking strides every day to educate and promote SAPR throughout the installation.

  • Theater group shares prevention, response message across Air Force

    The only sound that can be heard are the cries of a woman as she lies on the floor in pain after an attack by her husband. She feels the arms of a friend wrap around her as she hears them whisper, “I’m getting you out of here.” This is a scene from Barksdale’s Sexual Assault Theater Group. They have