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  • New 307th Maintenance Group career advisor speaks up

    Master Sgt. Reuben Elliott is a 23-year veteran with background in the U.S. Air Force and Army.  The new 307th Maintenance Group career advisor has seen a lot, serving across four different career field during his time in service.  He took time out of his busy schedule to explain his role and set

  • 307th Bomb Wing hold annual GatorFest

    The 307th Bomb Wing held its annual GatorFest celebration during the November unit training assembly. The event honors outstanding maintainers from the 307th Maintenance Group, the 307th Maintenance Squadron and the 707th MXS.

  • Lightning fast

    BARKSDALE AFB, La. - The crew of B-52 Stratofortress 60-051 was on final approach Dec. 19, 2017 to Barksdale Air Force Base, La. when they heard an odd sound, like a thud, coming from outside the jet.  All systems remained normal and the crew had no trouble maintaining control of the aircraft,

  • Gator Fest 2017

    U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Joshua Colley is awarded the 2017 Community Service Award during the annual Gatorfest Awards Ceremony on Oct. 14, 2017, Barksdale Air Force Base, La. Colley is assigned to the 2nd Maintenance Squadron and was recognized for his outstanding professionalism and dedication in