Yellow-Crowned Night Herons visit Barksdale

Three Yellow-Crowned Night Herons (nyctanassa violacea) feed in the run-off creek near the 307th Bomb Wing Headquarters building at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., June 3, 2013. Also known as the American Night Heron or squawk, it is a fairly small heron and can be found throughout the Americas in mostly warmer coastal areas. The birds feed mainly at night by stalking their prey at the waters’ edge. Their diet consists of frogs, crawfish, mollusks, small fish and aquatic insects. Yellow-Crowned Night Herons were once eaten in Cajun cuisine, but the killing of the birds is now illegal. A large number of species of animals, birds and reptiles make their homes here. Barksdale Airmen take pride in maintaining a base that is animal friendly. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Jeff Walston/Released)

PHOTO BY: Master Sgt. Jeff WalstonReleased
VIRIN: 130603-F-KL377-002.JPG
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