Wing Commander outlines UTA alternatives in update

  • Published
  • By 307th Bomb Wing Public Affairs
  • 307th Bomb Wing Public Affairs

Col. Steven Kirkpatrick, 307th Bomb Wing commander, issued his fourth update regarding the unit’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in an email here, March 25.  In it, he outlined alternatives for the April unit training assembly and reminded Airmen about fitness assessment postponements. 

Below is the full text of the update:


307 BW Airmen,

As we continue to perform our mission here at Barksdale we want to make sure you are informed on the latest COVID 19 information and how it affect you and your reserve duties. As stated in a past bulletin, our April UTA has been postponed. If you have training or work due, we urge you to schedule your April UTA to be performed at home by telework. Another alternative is if you need to be excused and have enough points for a good year feel free to do so. Either can be scheduled through your full time ART/AGR leadership at the units and through the CSS staff. We need to make sure we stay mission ready in the current situation. Many of you already have access through VPN set up or can get online to accomplished necessary training. Do so if possible by scheduling 4-hour UTA periods as you are available to accomplish your April UTA.

Effective 17 March 2020, all Official Fitness Assessment Testing is postponed until June 2020.

* Members who are due for their Official Fitness Assessment in March will test in 6 months, September 2020

* Members who are due for their Official Fitness Assessment in April will test in 6 months, October 2020

* Members who are due for their Official Fitness Assessment in May will test in 6 months, November 2020

Do your best to take care of your families, stay mission ready and be vigilant when you telework with what you put on line. Do your part to stop the spread of this virus by adhering to rules and guidelines set by your local governments and CDC. We will send updates as soon as information becomes available.

I encourage everyone to stay tuned in to the 307th Bomb Wing Facebook page, Connect/307 BW app, and the wing website to get up to date information. This is a dynamic situation and we all have to use every resource possible to stay updated. If you have question you’d like to submit, please send them to I’ll get them answered and posted to our Facebook page.


Steven Kirkpatrick, Col, USAF

307th Bomb Wing Commander