Finding enough maintenance Air Reserve Technicians, or ARTs, is an ongoing challenge for the Air Force Reserve Command, but a host of new recruiters may soon help resolve the issue.
ARTs are civil service technicians who provide training and ensure the AF Reserve is ready for its different missions. They often serve in a civilian capacity during the week and as Citizen Airmen for unit training assembly weekends and annual tours.
"Maintenance manning is the biggest issue we face right now in the A4 community of Air Force Reserve Command,” said Maj. Gen. Kathryn J. Johnson, director of logistics, engineering and force protection.
Across the AFRC, recruiters have been placed at 12 Air Force installations, including Barksdale Air Force Base.
The shortage of maintenance ARTs has made it a buyer’s market according to Technical Sgt. Shantell Mayo, 307th Bomb Wing ART recruiter.
“We have more than 200 available ART maintenance positions available just at Barksdale Air Force Base,” she said. “We are looking at different ways to bring people into these positions.”
The positions come with many benefits, including two retirements, flexible spending accounts, being paid up to 120 hours of civilian pay while on military status, medical and dental.
ARTs also never have to change stations unless they choose to do so.
“Stability is one of the benefits of being an ART,” said Mayo. “People that know the area can be assured they will be full time at Barksdale, guaranteed.”
Candidates for the open positions can expect a great deal of help in applying for the open positions.
“We will be helping qualified candidates with things like resumes and filling out the applications, she said. “ We are also going to work with hiring officials to see what can be done to help fill out these positions.”
Traditional reservists in maintenance jobs, Airmen separating from active-duty, and prior service from any branch of the military are all areas that may efficiently transition into an ART maintenance position.
Also, traditional reservists in jobs outside of maintenance may be able to switch positions. As long as someone in another career field qualifies for a maintenance ART job, then they will be considered.
“They just have to understand they will be working as a maintainer in their civilian role and their military role,” said Mayo.
Anyone wishing to apply for one of the open positions at Barksdale can contact Tech. Sgt. Mayo via email at or on her cell phone at 318-716-0259.